Agency V is currently recovering from a front-page scandal that sparked several investigations, multiple Inspector General reports with negative findings, and numerous congressional hearings. The scandals have resulted in constant negative media attention and increased congressional scrutiny, which has been damaging employee morale. Following the previous Secretary’s resignation, a new Secretary has been appointed. She is eager to transform Agency V into a customer-focused organization and sees the connection between employee satisfaction and positive customer outcomes.
Deloitte, who has been supporting Agency V for the past several years and has expanded its reach to all service areas of the organization, has been brought on board to address the Agency’s employee engagement issues as the organization shifts to a customer service model and undergoes restructuring and culture change. Research indicates there is a strong correlation between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. As Agency V stands up a new customer service model, they desire a strategy to establish a culture of employee engagement that will drive strong customer service. Previous focus groups indicate that redistricting and reorganization of the Agency’s regions may be necessary.
Agency V is eager to learn more about Deloitte’s approach for an engagement strategy and implementation plan. As the organization undergoes restructuring and a culture change during a volatile time, engagement tools and resources will be needed to equip leaders and supervisors with the skills needed to retain and attract the best talent.
Key considerations:
CCPB has tasked Deloitte to perform a current state analysis to identify and address risks in the current cargo security screening processes, as well as the present hiring practices for security screeners. Along with the current state analysis, Deloitte must also create a human capital strategy that identifies cost-effective and streamlined approaches to security screener recruitment, training, and employee engagement initiatives. This strategy should include insights for CCPB senior leadership about how to create a cohesive and unified culture of security awareness.
Key considerations: